Two amazing books found their way to my doorstep this week and, I have to say, I am quite pleased with my purchases. The first is more of a practical purchase
Creative, Inc. by Joy Deangdeelert Cho and how-does-she-possibly-find-the time Meg Mateo Ilasco.
I loved
Craft, Inc. by Ilasco, so I was very excited to hear about the new collaboration. The sub-title "The Ultimate Guide to Running a Successful Freelance Business" pretty much sums it up, as well as explaining why I felt the need to purchase it. I've only made it through the first couple of chapters, but I'm loving it so far.
While I could argue clear advantages to being a self-taught artist, I do wish that I'd had someone to show me the ropes, to give me a logical sequence of events. I don't have that, so hopefully this book will fill in some of the blanks.
The second book "Patterns" by Orla Kiely is, perhaps, not as practical, but necessary all the same. I tried to hold off purchasing this as long as possible -- "Christmas will be here before you know it", I kept reminding myself -- but, I couldn't resist.
I love Orla Kiely. The patterns, the colors -- perfect. I stalked my local Target the weekend that her line was supposed to hit the shelves. I bought mugs and two serving trays, but would have found room in my tiny house for the entire range.
The book is thick and gorgeous. It covers the history of the company, inspiration and lots of images of the specific patterns and how they have been incorporated.
Just lovely, right?